who are we?

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Our Mission

“Welcome to Dig My Car, a place for everyone to share their personal stories about  cars that have touched their lives.”

woman, model, hippie-1853936.jpg

The Beginning

I discovered a world dedicated to the preservation of classic cars, trucks, and vans. People in this community, despite differences in age, gender, or economic status, are passionate about their vehicles. And, they’ll talk about them more than they  drive, show, or work on them! Proud owners want to share their car stories with everyone.

Many of these stories are fascinating, often covering an important event in their lives.  When I shared those stories with others, they would respond with their own tales, often about a car they no longer owned. These car stories sounded like a chapter from their memoirs.

“Who will remember?”, I thought. “Who will pass the story on?”

So, I created this web site for anyone who wants to preserve a chapter of their lives for the future. A car can be sold for a price but the memories and stories  are priceless.  

I encourage you to document your story and share the link with friends and family.  Your participation will make this a fun and unique forum for everyone. And keep the stories alive!se

Our Core Values

To be successful, Dig My Car must build a culture of trust. Our core values are:

  • To be Passionate about car stories that drive us
  • To Inspire others to participate
  • To Provide Entertainment and Information to all
  • To Respect everyone in this community