私の青春時代の車 – The Cars of my Youth

私の博物館にアメリカ車やヨーロッパ車がたくさん展示されているのは、私が子供の頃、国産車はまだ洗練されておらず、外国車に憧れていたからです。 ルート66 コルベット、Eタイプ、911、マスタング、トランザム、MGなど 若い頃、私は一生懸命働いてお金を貯め、これらの車を運転しました。 展示されている車の中には、私のお気に入りの車もいくつかあります。 だからこそ、若い頃の恋人たちに囲まれて幸せです。 残念ながら、彼女達は美しく若々しいままですが、毎年私は年をとっています…

Edited Translation: The reason why there are so many American and European cars on display in my Retro Motor Museum is because when I was a child in Japan, domestic cars weren’t yet sophisticated, and I admired foreign cars. I saw the TV show Route 66, (where two young guys drove a 1961 Chevrolet Corvette convertible across America looking for adventure). I liked the Corvette, Jaguar E-Type, Porche 911, Mustang, Trans Am, MGs, etc.

I worked hard, saved up money, and drove these cars. Some of the cars on display are my favorites. That’s what makes me happy, to be surrounded by the loves of my youth. Unfortunately, while they remain beautiful and youthful, every year I grow older!

1 thought on “私の青春時代の車 – The Cars of my Youth”

  1. camesser

    Have to agree with you, cars can be preserved close to their original state while we humans can’t get replacement parts! As for Route 66, I’m going to look on YouTube to see if they have the TV series available to watch. The show ran from 1960 to 1964 in the USA.

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